Corporate governance > Board of Directors
According to its Articles of Incorporation, Revenio Group Corporation’s Board of Directors is to be composed of no fewer than three (3) and no more than seven (7) members.
The requirements set by the Company’s operation and its development phase will be considered with regard to the composition of the Board of Directors. A candidate to the Board of Directors must have the necessary qualifications for the position and the time to fulfill their duties. The number of members on the Board of Directors and its composition must enable efficient performance when the Board’s tasks are being managed.
The general meeting of shareholders elects the members of the Board. The Board elects its Chair from among its members. All members of the Board of Directors are non-executive directors. According to the Articles of Incorporation, the term of a member of the Board is one year beginning at the end of the general meeting of shareholders at which the member was elected and ending at the close of the next ordinary general meeting of shareholders.
In the preparation for the selection of Board members and the proposal to the General Meeting, attention is paid to the members' diverse and complementary backgrounds, experience, expertise, age, gender, and perspectives, as well as to Revenio's business. The aim is to ensure that the diversity of the Board supports Revenio's business, markets, and future in the best possible way. Both genders must be represented on the board.
The representation of both genders is realized in Revenio's Board, and both genders have been represented for a long time. At the 2024 General Meeting, five members were elected to the board, representing three different nationalities. Of the Board members, one is a woman and four are men. The age of the Board members ranges from 56 to 66 years. The Board members have international work experience in globally operating companies and have held or currently hold executive, board, and trust positions in both listed and unlisted companies.
All Board members are independent of the Company and its major shareholders.
The Board reviews the neutrality of its members on a regular basis. Board members are obligated to provide the Board of Directors with the information required for the assessment of neutrality.
The task of Revenio Group Corporation’s Board of Directors is to further the interests of the Company and all of its shareholders. Members of the Board do not represent the entities or persons who nominated them for election. Members of the Board are disqualified from participating in the management of matters or transactions taking place between themselves and the Company. Voting is based on the simple majority vote principle. In the case of an even vote, the proposal supported by the Chair will prevail.
The Chair is responsible for convening and presiding over the Board meetings. The Board has not assigned to its members any particular areas of business to be monitored. The Board annually reviews its operation and procedures, and performs self-assessments at necessary intervals.
The Board is responsible for the Company’s administration and the appropriate organization of the Company’s business operations. It makes decisions on principles governing corporate strategy, organization, accounting, and finances.
The Board appoints the Company’s President & CEO and, based on the CEO’s proposals, the members of the Group Management Team. It also ratifies the Company’s organization and structure. The Board has established an audit committee responsible for the tasks of an audit committee according to the Governance Code.
The Board has prepared a written charter of its operation, which is updated as necessary.
The Board holds regular meetings approximately once a month and more often as required. The Company ensures that all members of the Board of Directors have sufficient information on the Company’s operation, operating environment, and financial position, and that any new member of the Board receives induction into the Company’s operation.
As stipulated by its charter, the Board’s principal tasks are to:
decide on Group strategy and ratify the strategies of the various business areas;
approve the Group’s annual plan (budget);
approve the Group’s financing and investment policies;
ratify the Group’s risk management principles, and discuss the Group’s most important risks and factors of uncertainty;
confirm and ratify the Group’s insurance policy;
discuss and approve the consolidated financial statements, interim financial reports, stock exchange releases pertaining to these, and the review of operations;
significant contracts;
decide on specific investments, acquisitions, divestments, corporate reorganization and commitments that have strategic or financial importance;
decide on rules concerning management authorizations;
decide on the Group’s high-level structure and organization;
appoint and dismiss the President & CEO, approve the CEO’s service contract, and decide on the CEO’s salary, benefits, and other financial remuneration;
approve the appointments of the members of the Group Management Team, the Managing Directors of subsidiaries, their salaries and financial benefits;
decide on the remuneration schemes of the Revenio Group, including the granting of share-based bonuses within limits set by the AGM.
The Board of Directors decided on May 10, 2019 to establish an Audit Committee.
The Board elected the following members from among its members for the Committee: Pekka Tammela (Chair), Arne Boye Nielsen, and Ann-Christine Sundell. The members of the Audit Committee have sufficient expertise and experience with respect to the committee’s area of responsibility and the mandatory tasks relating to auditing.
The duties and tasks of the Audit Committee are to:
monitor and assess the financing reporting system
review the effectiveness of Revenio Group Corporation’s internal control and risk management systems, the Group’s risks, and the quality and scope of risk management
approve the internal audit guidelines and review the internal audit plans and reports
monitor and assess how agreements and other legal acts between the Company and its related parties meet the requirements of the ordinary course of business and market terms
monitor the statutory auditing of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements as well as the reporting process and ensure their accuracy
monitor the Company’s auditing
monitor and evaluate the independence of the auditor and, in particular, the offering of services other than auditing services by the auditor and propose a resolution on the election and fee of the auditor
review the description of the main features of the internal control and risk management systems in relation to the financial reporting process, which is included in the Company’s Corporate Governance Statement
evaluate compliance with laws, regulations, and Company policies and monitor significant litigations of Group companies
execute any other duties bestowed upon it by the Board
The Audit Committee shall convene at least four times a year. Audit Committee meetings are convened by the Chair. The Group CFO may also act as secretary of the Committee meetings. Members of the Board of Directors and the President & CEO have the right to be present at Committee meetings. Committee meetings are quorate when the Chair and at least one member are present.
The Audit Committee shall draw up a meeting schedule for one year at a time, including the main topics to be discussed. Minutes are to be drawn up of Audit Committee meetings without delay and signed by the Chair and secretary. The Committee meeting minutes are to be distributed to all Board members. The Chair of the Audit Committee shall report separately to the Board on the key observations of the Committee at least four times a year.
The Audit Committee evaluates its own work once a year in the form of self-assessment. The Committee Chair reports the results to the Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee meets with the auditors, internal auditors, and other experts within the Company as necessary. The Audit Committee may use external experts as required.
The Board of Directors decided on October 21, 2020 to establish a Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
The Board elected the following members from among its members for the Committee: Bill Östman (Chair), Riad Sherif and Arne Boye Nielsen. The members of Nomination and Remuneration Committee have sufficient expertise and experience with respect to the committee's area of responsibility.
The Board of Directors appoints the members and the chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee from amongst the Board.
The members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee shall have the expertise and experience required for the duties of the Committee. The majority of the members of the Committee shall be independent of the company, and the Committee shall act independently when carrying out duties related to remuneration. The CEO or other persons in the management of the company may not be appointed to the Committee.
The Committee will nominate a secretary who will sign the minutes of the meetings together with the chair.
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee assists the Board of Directors in the preparatory work on the election of directors, on remuneration and nomination of the CEO and other management, and on remuneration schemes for other personnel.
The duties of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee include:
the preparation of a proposal for the appointment of directors made to the general meeting
the preparation of a proposal concerning the remuneration of the directors made to the general meeting
the presentation of a proposal concerning directors to be made to the general meeting
finding successor candidates for directors
the preparation of the appointment of the CEO and other management as well as successor planning
the preparation of the salary and other financial benefits of the CEO and other management
the preparation of matters concerning the company’s remuneration schemes
the assessment of the remuneration of the CEO and other management as well as seeing to the appropriateness of the remuneration schemes
the preparation of the remuneration policy and report
the presentation of the remuneration policy and report in the general meeting and responding to questions related thereto
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee convenes at least two times per year at the invitation of the chair. The invitation and the agenda will be sent to the participants of the meeting as well as to the attention of other members of the Board of Directors.
The Committee is competent when the chair of the Committee and at least one member of the Committee is present.
The CEO can also be invited to attend the meeting if the Committee deems it necessary.
The Committee has the authority to have analyses and studies made on all matters within its competence.
Minutes will be drawn up of the meetings of the Committee, and they will be signed by the Committee's chair and secretary. The minutes will be discussed by the Board of Directors of the company. The Committee will also otherwise report on its operations on a regular basis.
b. 1968, Danish citizen
M.Sc. in Business Administration
Chair of the Board
Member of the Audit Committee, member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Board member since June 8, 2020
Independent from the company and its major shareholders
Demant A/S: President, Diagnostics and Communications, member of the Executive Board
Epos A/S (Denmark): Chair
Interacoustics A/S (Denmark): President
Össur hf (Island): Board member, Chair of the Audit Committee
b. 1964, Finnish citizen
M.Sc. (Biochemistry)
Senior Advisor, professional Board member
Member of the Audit Committee
Board member since March 15, 2016
Independent from the company and its major shareholders
Perkin Elmer Oy: President, Strategic Business Enterprise (SBE) Genetic Screening 2000-2010, Segment Manager, Sales & Marketing Manager 1999-2000, Marketing Manager 1999, Product Line Manager 1996-1998
Raisio plc: Vice Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Audit Committee
Oy Medix Biochemica Group Ab: Chairman of the Board
Biocartis Group NV (Belgium): Member of the Board, Member of Remuneration Committee
ÅU Media Ab: Member of the Board
Actim Oy: Chairman of the Board
SyntheticMR Ab (Sweden): Member of the Board
Acmer Oy Ab: Chairman of the Board
Ekofish Ab: Member of the Board
BCBM Holding Oy: Member of the Board
b. 1962, Finnish citizen
M.Sc. (Econ.)
Partner, PJ Maa Oy
Chair of the Audit Committee
Board member since April 3, 2007
Independent from the company and its major shareholders
Korona Invest Oy: Partner
Panostaja Oyj: CFO PricewaterhouseCoopers: Senior Manager Solteq Oyj: CFO
Auroora Yhtiöt Oyj: Chair of the Board
SNT-Yhtiöt Oy: Chair of the Board
Trimaster Oy: Member of the Board
Como Kustannus Oy: Member of the Board
b. 1958, Finnish citizen
M.Sc. (Technical Physics)
Vice Chair of the Board, Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Board member since June 8, 2020
Independent from the company and its major shareholders
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Vice President & General Manager
b. 1968, French citizen
MBA, Master's Degree (Medical Management), Medical Doctor
CEO, Oculis
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Board member since April 8, 2022
Independent from the company and its major shareholders
Novartis: Entrepreneur in Residence at Novartis Venture Fund; Chief Executive Officer, Canada; President, Latin America Region; Head of Infectious Disease Transplant and Immunology, Latin America Region; Head of Global Sales, Transplant and Immunology
Alcon: President, EMEA
Sanofi: Algeria Country Manager; Regional Marketing Manager, Africa, Middle East, French Overseas and Dom Tom; Brand Management and Area Marketing Manager, Paris
NexMed Plus (Switzerland): Chair of the Board